With this in-depth science unit on scientists and the scientific method students learn the different areas of science, types of scientists and the processes they use, science tools, science safety, and planning and conducting experiments and investigations using the scientific method and other science processes.
This bundle includes both the printable science unit and the digital add on with narrated audio lessons and student activities on Google Slides. You will need a Google account or Google Classroom to access the digital version on Google Slides.
Your students will enjoy ten high engagement lessons in a detailed teaching Power Point, science journal and center activities for each lesson. Three hands-on, high interest science experiments give students lab experience and build a foundation for your future science units.
Students experiment with buoyancy, solubility, and chemical reactions. These fun experiments give students practice using the scientific method and can also serve as a scaffold to students designing and conducting their own investigations with the included planning pages.
Lesson topics:
- types of scientists & jobs scientists do
- areas of science
- inquiry
- scientific processes
- investigating buoyancy
- investigating solubility
- investigating chemical reactions
- the scientific method
- science safety
- science tools
Printable unit includes these materials:
- A complete Teacher’s Guide with Unit Overview and Pacing Guide
- 10 detailed, step-by-step, scripted lesson plans
- 10-Lesson Teaching Power Point to guide you through the unit with Turn and Talk partner discussion and Independent Activity instructions for students after each lesson.
- Answer keys
- Essential Question and Learning Target Posters
- Student science journal with activity pages for each lesson
- Quick Check/Exit Tickets in 2 formats for each lesson (short written response or fill in the blank)
- Final Assessment with optional pages for differentiation
- 3 Science experiments- Students explore buoyancy, solubility, and chemical reactions
- Experiment planning pages
- Science center activities with student direction cards
- Anchor Charts with printable chart parts
- Vocabulary Cards for each lesson
- Science Tools picture cards
- Science Safety posters
- Scientific Method posters
- Types of Science posters (Earth science, Life science, Physical science)
- Types of Scientists and the jobs they do
- Display Title Cards and Decorative science elements
Digital unit includes these materials:
- 7 Narrated audio lessons on Google Slides
- 7 Interactive science journal activity slides
- 10 Quick Check quizzes in multiple choice and drag and drop answer format
- Digital Unit Test with differentiation options
- 4 Interactive, literacy-based science games to reinforce reading skills using science content for: Fact& Opinion, Types of Science, Science Safety task cards, and Classifying Science Tools
- Teacher directions for using and assigning the resources in Google Classroom
- Answer keys for all activities
*Please see the previews for details and pictures of all resources included in the download.
Copyright © Linda Kamp. All rights reserved. By purchasing this product, you agree that the contents and copyright are the property of Linda Kamp/Around the Kampfire and that permission is granted for single-classroom use only. This product is not for public display and may not be posted for sale or for free anywhere on the internet or used in any commercial teaching or tutoring program.
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