Happy kids means happy behavior and during your apple theme why not include your behavior routine?
Bring On Good Behavior
Bring on best behavior by acknowledging students with apple themed coupons
Primary students love pockets. Have yours make these bushel basket pockets to collect their behavior coupons.
Post Positive Encouragement
Display kind words of encouragement to your class and post them all around the room. Use these easy wipe-off apple charts to share apple-themed messages. Be sure to take advantage of any teachable moments you can grab from your charts! It’s quick and easy to have students locate parts of speech, plurals, contractions, and collective nouns. I especially like to point out and discuss figurative language.
Apple Themed Messages
Here are some apple-themed messages I use:
“You’re all the apples of my eye!”
“I’d pick this class any day!”
“I’m so exCIDERed to see you today!”
“I love you all a bushel and a peck!”
“Your behavior is BOSS, applesauce!”
“I’m keeping my eyes peeled for good behavior.”
“My class is sweet to the core!”
“Look how your learning has blossomed!”
“Our progress stems from hard work!
“No matter how you slice it, our
class is the cream of the crop!”
Download these free printable apple themed behavior coupons or Pin them for later!
For more ideas for your apple theme be sure to see all the posts in this series:
Follow along on Pinterest and Instagram to find more ideas, resources, and free printables!
Love this!!!❤️ Thank you!
You’re so welcome Krista!