With Spring in full swing, what better time to learn about life cycles and the fascinating world of frogs? Inside this post, you’ll find engaging and fun frog life cycle activities and teaching ideas to help your students learn to take notes, describe the frog life cycle, and write about science! So, grab your rain boots and get ready to hop into some exciting frog-themed lesson ideas that will make your students jump for joy!
Frog Life Cycle Activities for the Classroom

Frog Facts Anchor Charts
As students learn about the life cycle stages, make frog fact charts part of your frog life cycle activities! It’s a fun way for students to show what they know about each stage of the frog life cycle. And the charts make a great addition to a Spring bulletin board or hallway display.

Download the free chart parts, “sticky note” templates, and directions for how to make the frog facts charts. The lily pad writing templates and frog life cycle clip art are included, so it’s easy to make your own charts like these.

Download the FREE frog life cycle chart parts
How to Make Frog Facts Anchor Charts

1. Use 1 sheet of chart paper for each stage of the life cycle or cut bulletin paper to approx. the same size as chart paper. I used green bulletin board paper but any color and size will work.
2. Cut out the life cycle pictures and glue one to the top of each chart. Write the name of the stage at the top of the chart. OPTIONAL: Use a black marker to draw a border around the edge of each chart paper. I tried to make mine look like grass around a pond.
3. Copy the lily pad shapes on colored paper (I used lime green copy paper, but white copy paper is fine too.) Give students 4 lily pad shapes; one for each stage of the life cycle.
4. Students write a sentence or a short description of something they have learned about each stage on the matching lily pad shape then use rolled scotch tape to attach it to the matching chart. This makes it easy to remove the writing and reuse the chart next year.
Brain-Pop Jr. Videos
When planning your frog life cycle activities don’t forget about Brain Pop! I love the Brain Pop Jr. videos and so do students. We used the Frog Life Cycle video to not only learn more about frogs but also to teach students to take notes. In second grade, our students are just learning about notetaking and jotting down what they think are important things to remember about a video, a lesson, or frog life cycle books they have read. I’ve found the Brain-Pop Jr. videos perfect for this and if you have a subscription, most of the videos have related printables you can download.
You can see that this student made a list of key words and short phrases about frogs that she learned from the Brain-Pop Jr. video about frogs.

Teaching second graders to take notes can be tricky though. This fun video, Notetaking Tips for Kids is quite engaging and proved to be very helpful!
Notetaking Tips for Kids
Frog Life Cycle Craft
A fun way for students to display their learning is by making a frog life cycle on a string craft. The craft has two versions that students can make. An easy-cut version for younger kids with five stages inside simple circles to cut out. The second version has all seven stages with more detailed cutouts.
Students plan their writing by filling out the graphic organizer before writing in the lily pad booklets.

Inside each of the lily pad mini books, students write a fact about each stage of the life cycle and attach it to the yarn next to the stages of the life cycle on the string. All the pieces then fit into a clever lily pad pocket!

Frog Life Cycle Bulletin Board Ideas
If you need Spring hallway display ideas, this Leapin’ Life Cycles! display is a fun bulletin board that we made for our open house to display our frog life cycle crafts. We turned our hallway into a life cycle garden to show students’ work at our end-of-the-year Celebration of Learning complete with bee reports, plant and butterfly life cycle projects, and much more.

I hope you’ve found some fun frog life cycle activities you can use in your classroom! If this post has been helpful, please share it with you teacher friends on your socials!

For more life cycle activities, freebies and teaching ideas that are perfect for Spring, visit these posts:

Plant Life Cycle Activities & Science Experiments

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