Last year I started a new end of year tradition in my classroom that involved a kindness activity with a Superhero theme. I wanted to make our last week as memorable, meaningful, and as much FUN I could! I decided to give my second graders a blowout celebration they would never forget! You can read all about how I gave my class a Superhero Send-Off but first, I want to share a Superhero kindness activity I added THIS year to our last week of school celebration.
My class FU-LIPPED last year over our superhero themed celebration! This year, I wanted to include a new tradition to give them a yearbook of sorts. Each year we make these Superhero memory books but I wanted them to also have something with sweet messages from their classmates they could look back on and treasure. Something to remember each other by. Now, every superhero knows that kindness is stronger than kryptonite, so I decided that this would be our theme.
Before I go any further, let me explain the premise and how I use Kryptonite as an analogy for harsh or unkind words. We all know that Kryptonite is a weakening agent for Superman and Supergirl. It is something they can’t resist and it usually hurts them, just like harsh, unkind words and feeling excluded hurt us. We have a class discussion about how these things, like Kryptonite, are negative forces which give us negative feelings vs. kindness, which creates positive, happy feelings. We talk about the importance of building one another up rather than tearing others down. We discuss how kindness is a positive force that lifts others up and helps them rather than hurting them, unlike Kryptonite.
In the old Superman movies, Superman was drawn toward Kryptonite. I explain this to my students telling them that, as modern-day Superheroes, we are drawn toward kindness. That kindness is OUR Kryptonite, and we can not resist it. We gain strength, compassion, and happy feelings when we are kind.
With that being said, we put on our capes! (I used plastic table cloths from Dollar Tree.) Then, we made superhero city mailboxes to hold kind words of Kryptonite from all of their classmates. Think bucket fillers + superheroes and you’ve got it! After we made our mailboxes everybody got busy!

To see our awards, photo booth, and the end of year gifts I gave my Superheroes, be sure to check out this post,
10 Ways To Give Your Students a Superhero-Send-Off!
If you like this idea, check out all of my Superhero resources and activities in my TPT shop! See them all HERE.
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