Before starting your Second Grade Grammar Curriculum each year, most schools require teachers to assess their new students’ literacy skills. This free second grade grammar assessment toolkit includes everything you need to screen and inventory individual students’ grammar skills.
Taking an inventory, then creating a class summary, helps you make instructional decisions at the start of the school year. It gives you a baseline ideas of where your students are and where they still need to go.
I’ve created a simple tool to assess all second grade grammar and language standards and I’m excited to share it with you for free! In this post, I’ll explain what’s included in this free assessment tool and how to administer and use it throughout the year.
Free Second Grade Grammar Assessment Toolkit
Having a strong idea of students’ understanding of grammar is crucial for teachers in planning future instruction. This free second grade grammar assessment toolkit is essentially a screening tool that provides teachers with a skill inventory and baseline assessment of their students’ grammar knowledge at critical points in the school year.
Why I Use A Grammar Inventory
The assessment screens knowledge of second grade grammar and language standards. Collecting this data in the beginning, middle, and end of the school year allows me to make instructional decisions based on students’ needs.
This toolkit is especially helpful at the beginning of the school year to gain an understanding of each student’s skills. Using it throughout the year allows me to adequately place my students for small group instruction. It also gives key insight into intervention needs in my classroom.
What’s Included in the Free Second Grade Grammar Assessment Toolkit
The toolkit includes a Teacher Guide, an assessmetn script, and directions for administering and grading the assessment. It includes a Student Record Sheet to record student responses. Forms for Teacher Notes & Observations, anecdotal notes, and next steps are included. A separate Student Booklet with the assessment questions in also provided.
Preparing for the Assessment
Teacher Guide Print a copy of the teacher guide. Staple or bind it into a booklet, or place them in a 1/2 inch binder. The teacher guide includes the script for each assessment question with an image of the coinciding student page so you’ll see the same thing the student is seeing.
Student Booklet Print a copy of the student booklet and staple, bind, or place them in a 1/2 inch binder. All students will use this booklet for the assessment. Each page in the booklet has two cards on it. Each card assesses a separate grammar and language standard.
Student Record Form Print a recording form 2-sided for each student in your class. This is where you’ll record your students’ answers to each question in the assessment. Place this page in each student’s assessment folder or wherever you organize your progress records and documentation.
Student Observation Form Print one observationform for each student. You’ll use this form to record anecdotal notes based on your observations during the assessment. There is also an area for writing follow up actions and interventions to be taken based on your observations during the assessment.
Class Summary Form. You will use this form to record the assessment outcomes for your entire class. Having the scores of your whole class on one page is helpful for determining trends and forming appropriate small groups.
When to Administer the Assessment
Schedule time at the beginning of the year, in the middle of the year, and at the end of the school year to assess students’ mastery of grammar concepts throughout the year. I usually administer the assessment in the first few weeks of school, then around December or January, and finally in April or May.
To easily see growth, use a different color pen each time you administer the assessment. This way you can quickly see the difference between students’ three assessment times.
How to Administer the Second Grade Grammar Assessment
The grammar inventory is administered to each student one-on-one. First, provide your student with the student booklet. Open your copy of the teacher guide. Make sure to also have your student recording form ready for the student you are working with.
Give a brief explanation of why you’re giving this assessment, then proceed to the first question. Follow the script and instructions given in the Teacher Directions to complete the assessment. For each card, say the directions to the student. Mark the student’s responses on the recording sheet by writing a check mark on each correct response given. Record the total number of correct responses in each section on the recording sheet. Use a different colored pen each time you screen your students to easily see progress.
The inventory is divided into two parts. Some of the skills in Part Two of the inventory are not typically taught until later in the year. You may wish to only administer Part One at the beginning of the year and add in Part Two when you test in the middle of the year.
If a student shows 100% mastery of a concept during the screening, you may choose not to assess that concept in the remainder of the screenings. If a child is struggling significantly with the screening, you may choose to end the screening at that point. Determine interventions to take and re-screen at a later date.
Get the Free Second Grade Grammar Assessment Toolkit
This free second grade grammar assessment toolkit for teachers was designed to go hand-in-hand with my comprehensive Second Grade Grammar Curriculum.
This yearlong mega bundle includes 37 weeks of grammar activities with ready-to-use lesson plans, teaching PowerPoints, practice worksheets, task cards, reading passages, and weekly assessments. The units in the bundle cover all of the 2nd grade grammar and language standards.
If you’re planning for your first weeks back to school, check out this FREE Grammar Review Unit to help your students review first grade grammar concepts.
This free grammar review unit includes an entire week of review activities, worksheets, PowerPoint lessons, task card center, and a short assessment. Students review nouns, verbs, and adjectives with short, daily practice in a variety of formats.
Grab your free Grammar Assessment Toolkit today to help you and your students have a successful start to the school year!
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Looking for more grammar resources? Check out the posts below:
How to Teach Second Grade Grammar Lessons in 15 Minutes a Day

8 Ways to Differentiate Grammar Activities & Reach All Learners

5 Activities to Teach Any 2nd Grade Grammar Standard

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